7 world records in swimming, 3 in running... and a world record for amount of hours spent thinking I'm as good as all these athletes, running around poor unsuspecting hotels pretending I'm Michael Phelps (I'm not by the way, my secret identity is not a cover up for being a world famous record breaking athlete, why would I cover that up? Think it through readers! Tsk!)
I was amazed by the sporting prowess of Usain Bolt. 3 races, 3 world records. He comes from Jamaica you know. And did you also know that my employers (the great people at HotelConnect) have just launched top destinations in the Caribbean, including Jamaica? I went on a top secret mission last week to the Caribbean (I know, it's a hard life) to check out these destinations.

I decided the next stop was going to be more energetic as I'd indulged a little too much at the Wyndham. I whizzed off to Antigua, and the Jolly Beach Resort. Jolly by name, jolly by nature! Here I took full advantage of the 8,000sq ft fantasy pool, for swimming lengths. And because the non-motorised watersports are all free, I managed to tone up ready on the Antiguan beach to get back to HC Towers and show off my tan. From £69pppn all inclusive.