It doesn't get much more historical in Europe than Rome's Birthday - hundreds of candles flickering over the Aventine Hill, a huge fireworks display over the River Tiber and a history that spans millennia. I couldn't miss it, I've been a few times before and every time I am reminded that this city has so much history.
I went last weekend and was lucky enough to catch most of the celebrations. From the traditional and solemn Palilia ritual cerem
ony to a mock gladiator show. I was even invited to The Convivium - a Roman style banquet with ballet performances. The following day's parade had hundreds of participants including soldiers, Vestal Virgins, emperors, and senators.

You could spend months in Rome and still have plenty to see and do. As weekend destinations go, you can't go wrong with Rome. Just don't try and pack too much sightseeing in - remember... Rome wasn't built in a day... (well, yes, ok, that was terrible...). What I mean to say is, take it slowly and enjoy it. You can always go back. I do, frequently!

So, if you are thinking of taking a city break, soaking up some historical culture and fancy Rome, have a look at our great Rome hotels here.
I especially like the Adriano for its location alone - right in the heart of the old town a stone's throw from the Spanish Steps. Ideal for a "Roman Holiday" (groan...) this summer, with 4 nights for the price of 3 for £162pp.
Also coming up in Italy is the historic football tournament held in Florence every year
on the 24th June. Going back centuries, this tournament was even played during the siege of Florence, when the locals nonchalantly continued playing whilst soldiers entered the city. As a football fan I have to admire that level of commitment! These days the game is played in traditional costume and somewhat resembles rugby! Live it up in style in Florence for the tournament with 5 nights for the price of 4 at the prestigious Westin Excelsior for £648pp. Or check out the other special offers for Florence here.